Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mega FC is under construction!


I am Bleach, one of this blog's hosts and founders. I used to have a small and rather young personal blog, based and focused on Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine fashion and some other things I wanted to write about.
Where it is not necessarily such a terrible thing, I decided it would be more fun to host this blog instead, with other people and spread out fashion awareness amongst our fellow community members. Megaten fashion is a subject easily forgotten or disregarded, which I, and the others who will help manage this blog, think should change. The items and sets released in this game are really authentic and well designed. Within all the grind for exp, leveling demons, rare item hunting and plasma farming, this tends to go under. BUT NOT FOR LONG! We will try our best to make it another fun aspect of this unique and fun game!

This blog will offer various kinds of information pertaining to released items in our American version of the game as well as point out fashionable players, neat outfits, awesome mix 'n' matches and what all not. We hope to offer a wide variety of fun information to unfold the depths of this game's fashion.

At the moment this blog is under construction. We have yet to decide on a layout as well as are looking for a third member to cover male fashion for our blog.

Anyway, that is it for now. Back to mind mapping and gathering ideas.

